Adapting to the Escalating Consequences of Climate Change


Co-organized by the World Economic Forum and the Global Center on Adaptation, this event will explore the challenges and opportunities for businesses to effectively participate in and contribute to accelerating climate adaptation While the global community must continue making progress on reducing emissions, the world has already warmed 1.2 degrees above pre-industrial levels and the impacts of climate change are being felt acutely. Climate adaptation is now a necessity, yet it remains largely a governmental domain and the delivery of financing lags behind commitments. Businesses have unique and significant contributions to make to adaptation, but many struggle to participate effectively. What exactly are the contributions that both large and small businesses are best poised to make? Why do they struggle to drive adaptation action, and how can we scale their role contributions to better align with adaptation needs?

December 5, 2023
December 5, 2023
5:15 pm
7:30 pm
IETA Business Hub Pavilion, Blue Zone, UNFCCC COP28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Global Center for Adaptation (GCA)

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