CSE’s End Plastic Pollution Global Dialogues: Perspectives from Thought Leaders
The time to address the plastic crisis is NOW. For several years, plastic pollution has been a major concern raised at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA). UNEA resolution 5/14 mandates the formation of an intergovernmental negotiating committee. The third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, concluded in Nairobi on 19th November 2023. The momentum toward the establishment of an international legally binding instrument is stronger than ever. Considering the multi-faceted and transboundary nature of plastics, constructive dialogue needs to be fostered across governments, civil society organizations, scientific community, academia, and international organizations. The webinar is part of a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues aiming to stimulate discussions and reinforce further engagement among key actors in the Global South - from opinion leaders to policymakers to the common citizens who are actively rethinking the way we produce, use, trade, distribute and manage plastics. The third webinar in the series of dialogues to be held in November shall discuss how the member states have positioned themselves in the negotiations and regional and national priorities for ending plastic pollution