Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation Practice


GCA’s annual Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation in Practice publications are an opportunity for local adaptation practitioners to describe and reflect on their work –successes, challenges and even failures. They are also an opportunity for local practitioners to amplify messages for national and global policy makers, on how they can support ambitious, inclusive and transformative local adaptation action. The 2023 edition of Stories of Resilience found that while local communities have no choice but to try to adapt to the multiple and complex challenges that climate change throws at them, global and national systems are simply not changing fast enough to respond effectively to urgent local adaptation needs. Policy makers and providers of finance have a long way to go towards building an enabling environment for LLA.  This event at the fourth Gobeshona Global Conference will be an opportunity for local adaptation practitioners to reflect on broader systemic change that is necessary to support locally led action, including to explore and share experiences on locally led adaptation, while showcasing diverse implementation methods, progress monitoring, and lessons learned. Join us to tell your local adaptation story, and potentially, to contribute to future editions of Stories of Resilience

March 6, 2024
March 6, 2024
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Global Center for Adaptation (GCA)

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