Mercator Foundation


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Stiftung Mercator is an independent private foundation established at the end of the 1990s by German entrepreneur Karl Schmidt and his family, named after Gerhard Mercator, a former cartographer and humanist. It aims to strengthen the capacities of Europeans through an integration of equal educational opportunities. It aims to drive forward an energy transition as a trigger for global climate change mitigation, and to anchor cultural education in German schools. The Mercator Foundation is headquartered in the German city of Essen, and has offices in Berlin, Beijing and Istanbul.

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Institutions and NGOs whose work is in line with the Foundation’s vision, thematic focus and strategy. Eligibility criteria can be found online.

Regional Focus: Mainly Germany and Europe

Sector Focus

  • GHG mitigation (particularly in Germany), and energy transition;
  • Mercator Fellowship Program for young students and researchers.

Funding Conditions: Grants

Application Procedure

Applications are presented and discussed in a stepby-step process. Information can be found online.


Stiftung Mercator

Huyssenallee 40, 45128 Essen, Germany

Tel. +49 201-24522-0



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