Ford Foundation


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Background and Funding Sources

The Ford Foundation was established in 1936 as a charitable foundation in the U.S. It aims to contribute to the dignity of all people, to social justice, and to a world in which all individuals, communities, and peoples work towards the protection and full expression of their human rights, the reduction of poverty and injustice, democracy, and enhanced international cooperation. Natural resources and climate change is one of the eight thematic pillars of the Foundation’s grants. The Ford Foundation provides a total in grants of approximately USD 500 million annually. Headquartered in New York, the Ford Foundation has a number of regional offices around the globe.

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Institutions and NGOs whose work is in line with the Foundation’s vision, thematic focus and strategy. More information and a list of grantees can be found online.

Regional Focus: World-wide


Sector Focus

The main priorities under the climate change pillar include:

  • Control over land and its resources;
  • Responsible and sustainable management of forests and rural lands;
  • More effective governance and greater community rights over resources.

Funding Conditions: Grants

Application Procedure

New applicants interested in submitting proposals (unsolicited) can use an online form and will receive feedback within 45 days.


Ford Foundation 1440  Broadway

New York, NY 10018, U.S.

Tel. +1 212 573 5000


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