Global Climate Change Alliance+ (GCCA)
Climate finance provided by the European Union and the European Development Fund has been largely increasing since 2010, amounting to a pledge of € 2.7 billion in 2016, equivalent to 8% of total Official Development Assistance (ODA). More information can be found online.
One of the climate finance flagship programs with a NGO window is the Global Climate Change Alliance+ (GCCA), that was established in 2007 to strengthen the climate dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders from developing countries, LDCs and SIDS. It has grown constantly, with an accumulated budget of € 316 million between 2008-2014. So far, 51 programs in 38 countries and 8 regions have been supported. GCCA is mainly financed from the regular EU budget (the next pledges have already been approved), and from a lesser degree from individual EU member countries and the European Development Fund.
Eligibility to Receive Funding: Governments, regional/international organisations, NGOs.
Regional Focus: Vulnerable countries and regions. More information can be found on the GCCA website.
Sector Focus
GCCA provides support in the following priority sectors:
- Adaptation;
- Disaster risk reduction;
- REDD+;
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);
- Mainstreaming climate change;
- Global conferences;
- Regional workshops;
- Technical support.
Funding Conditions: Mainly grants
Application Procedure
Varies according to the GCCA program. The general overview on open calls of the EU, including climate finance, can be found online.
EU Directorate General for International
Cooperation & Development
Rue de la Loi 41
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 299 11 11