Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA )
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is a governmental agency that coordinates ODA for Japan. JICA is one of the largest bilateral development organizations, headquartered in Tokyo with 97 overseas offices and projects in more than 150 countries, and annual resources of approximately USD 8.5 billion. JICA provides ODA in the form of technical cooperation, concessional loans, grants, and contributions to multilateral organizations.
Climate change has become an important pillar to JICA. More information, including the JICA Climate Change Cooperation Strategy can be found online.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
Governmental (national, sub-national), international/regional and non-governmental entities. More information can be found on the JICA website.
Regional Focus: World-wide but with a strong focus on the Asia-Pacific region, followed by Africa (e.g. Kenya, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, South Africa) and Latin America (El Salvador, Brazil, Peru).
Sector Focus
Climate-change related priorities of JICA are:
- Promoting low-carbon climate resilient urban development and sustainable; infrastructure investment (energy efficiency, transportation, resilience planning);
- Enhancing comprehensive climate risk management;
- Supporting climate policy and institutional development (national, sub-national);
- Enhancing sustainable forest and ecosystem management;
- Aligning climate and development planning;
- Building of partnerships and alliances.
Funding Conditions: Grants and concessional loans
Application Procedure
Applicants use a form to apply. The application requires information on the respective development policies of the particular sector, existing practices, information on the proposed project area, input from the recipient government, prospects of further plans, environmental and social considerations and risk management issues etc.
1-6 th floor, Nibancho Center Building,
5-25 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012,
Tel: +81-3-5226-6660/6661/6662/6663 Website: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/index.html