MRV in the Climate Change Discourse: Making Climate Actions Transparent and Accountable


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Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) has become one of the key concerns in the contemporary climate change discourses. Literally, the term MRV indicates a smart and standardized mechanism of enhancing transparency in the implementation of climate actions objectively to help the Conference of the Parties (COP) to track progress (or regress) towards achieving Convention’s (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) ultimate objective of addressing
climate change. While the term MRV was not literally mentioned in the Convention, yet the Convention introduced/included several specific reporting requirements for the country Parties to enable the COP to monitor and evaluate national actions towards achieving Convention’s goals. For instance, the Convention, by its article 4,
established a binding requirement for all the country Parties to routinely develop national inventories on GHGs emission and communicate emission reduction strategies, measures, efforts etc. to the COP for their reviewing and strategizing further actions.

  • Publication date : 31st October, 2021
  • Publisher: Center for Participatory Research & Development-CPRD
  • Author(s): Md Shamsuddoha, Sheikh Nur Ataya Rabbi, Hoimonti Barua, PhD
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