Climate Proofing
The Pacific islands region faces increasing environmental and socioeconomic pressures exacerbated by global climate change and climate variability.1 Adaptation to climate change and variability (CCV) is ultimately an issue of sustainable development. Even without climate change, Pacific island countries are already severely affected by climate variability and extremes, and they remain extremely vulnerable to future changes in the
regional climate that could increase the risks. Countries in the Pacific have clearly recognized the need to (i) reduce their vulnerability to these increasing risks through adaptation, and (ii) strengthen their human and institutional capacities to assess, plan, and respond to these challenges.
- Published by: Asian Development Bank
- Source website:
- Author(s): Asian Development Bank Download option
- Highlight: Climate Proofing—A Risk-based Approach to Adaptation is the result of a regionaltechnical assistance (RETA) funded under REACH by the Canadian Cooperation Fundfor Climate Change—Greenhouse Gas Abatement, Carbon Sequestration and Adaptation.The technical assistance was administered by ADB.
- Keywords: Climate proofing
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