Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


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The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the lead ministry for German official development cooperation which amounts to approximately € 7.4 billion (2016). BMZ is headquartered in Berlin and Bonn but has personnel in many German embassies in developing countries. Climate change and clean energy have become central issues within German Development Cooperation. More information is available on the BMZ in relation to climate change46 and to sustainable energy.

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Eligibility depends on the program however, it ranges from governmental (national, subnational) to non-governmental entities, including the private sector and NGOs.

Regional Focus: World-wide

Sector Focus

Climate-change and sustainable energy related priorities are:

  • NDC support;
  • Energy and climate;
  • Energy efficiency;
  • Low-carbon transportation;
  • Migration and climate;
  • Cities and climate;
  • Water and climate;
  • Agriculture and climate;
  • Forests and climate;
  • Oceans and climate;
  • Climate risk management; • Climate risk insurance;
  • Climate finance.

Funding Conditions: Grants and concessional loans.

Application Procedure

Depends on the program. Main partners are governments but NGOs can also receive financial support.


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and


Dahlmannstrasse 4

53113  Bonn, Germany Tel. +49 228 995 350

Website: https://www.bmz.de/en

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