Minor Foundation
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges was founded in 2000, on initiative of designer Peter Opsvik. The Minor Foundation is a Norwegian trust that funds communication projects to mitigate anthropogenic climate change.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
Institutions and NGOs that use innovative communication and advocacy means that leads to GHG mitigation. The list of grantees can be found online.
Regional Focus: World-wide
Sector Focus
Priorities for the time period 2016-2018 are:
- Communication that creates change;
- Politically oriented communication;
- New voices, actors and narratives in the climate debate;
- Innovative messages and strategies; • Experienced organisations and networks.
Funding Conditions: Small grants
Application Procedure
The funding board meets three times a year. Applications must be made online. Additional information can be found online.
Website: http://www.minor-foundation.no/ application-process
Contact form: http://www.minor-foundation.no/ contact-us