CCDB Side Event at COP27- CCDB Climate Centre: A regional hub aiming for a climate-friendly and resilient future


CCDB Climate Centre: A regional hub aiming for a climate-friendly and resilient future

Venue: Bangladesh Pavilion

Date & Time: 16 November 2022, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (GMT +2)

3: 30 PM- Welcome by the moderator Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, Deputy Managing Director, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Bangladesh
3: 35 PM- Keynote presentation by Mr. Md Foezullah Talukder, Head, Climate Change Program, CCDB, Bangladesh
3: 55 PM- Panel Discussion by Dr. Farhina Ahmed, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Bangladesh
4: 00 PM- Panel Discussion by Md. Ziaul Haque, Director, Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bangladesh
4: 05 PM- Panel Discussion by Mr. Thomas Hirsch, Founding Director, Climate & Development Advice, Germany
4: 10 PM- Speech from the chief guest by Mr. Saber Hossain Chowdhury, M.P, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bangladesh
4: 20 PM- Q&A Session
4: 55 PM- Vote of thanks
5: 00 PM- Book Launching: Loss and Damage: The Effect of Embankments on Climate-induced Loss and Damage in Selected Coastal Villages of Bangladesh
Also, Visit CCDB Exhibition Booth # 30 16 – 17 November 2022 Theme: Education | Science | Technology
About the Organizer: Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) is a national NGO established in 1973 envisioning a just and caring society where people live in peace, with dignity and a harmonious relationship with all God’s creations. CCDB addresses the dire needs of relief and rehabilitation, poverty reduction, livelihood & food security, climate change & disaster risk reduction, and women empowerment, among others to create a society where the poor, marginalized and vulnerable people can claim and enjoy their rights and seek justice for sustainable development.
CCDB Climate Centre - the regional knowledge hub for climate resilience and renewable energy. It is the ultimate destination for visitors to explore climate challenges and how to adapt to them in a beautiful landscape park, that features Bangladesh’s main ecosystems. Its learning centre offers exhibitions and training workshops for the youth and professionals. Research, accommodation, and conference facilities allow academics to develop innovative solutions in a modern, energy-efficient, and green environment.
Vision: Strengthen climate-resilient low carbon sustainable development.
Mission: To mainstream transformative community-based adaptation and climate risk reduction through accelerating innovation, capacity development, and knowledge dissemination.
Special Features:
1. Representative models of the five main ecosystems of Bangladesh
2. One-stop solution hub for interactive learning, research, advocacy, capacity development and knowledge dissemination.
3. Showcasing climate induced challenges and locally appropriate solutions.
4. Inclusive platform for climate technology transfer
5. LEED-certified green building and eco-friendly landscape
6. Run by renewable energy
The Climate Knowledge Portal intends to promote science-based innovative, sustainable, and pragmatic research in the climate change arena and locally appropriate adaptation and mitigation technologies to ensure impactful contribution to apprehensible resilience building for the country and beyond. Visit

November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
Bangladesh Pavilion at COP 27
Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB)

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