YouthADAPT Awards Ceremony Women-led Innovations in Frontier Technologies for Climate Action in Africa


Eight exceptional women-led enterprises will be unveiled at a prestigious YouthADAPT Awards Ceremony during COP28, highlighting the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of women leaders in the domain of climate adaptatio.   The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, a joint initiative of the African Development Bank and the Global Center on Adaptation, has launched the third edition of the YouthADAPT Challenge with support from the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) hosted by the Bank. This challenge is dedicated to supporting young women entrepreneurs who are driving climate change solutions. In this year’s challenge, the focus is on female-led enterprises at the forefront of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. These technologies include artificial intelligence, big data analytics, robotics, the Internet of Things, machine learning, additive manufacturing, and blockchain, all harnessed, ethically, for climate adaptation. The winners, comprising eight exceptional women-led enterprises, will be unveiled at a prestigious YouthADAPT Awards Ceremony during COP28. This event is of great significance as it not only celebrates the innovative endeavors of young female entrepreneurs but also aims to highlight the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of women leaders in the domain of climate adaptation. The event will also take stock of lessons learned from the YouthADAPT challenge from cohort 1, who have completed their acceleration program. We expect that these lessons will inform further scaling of the YouthADAPT program. Discussions will also revolve around resource mobilization to boost the $1 billion YouthADAPT fund announced by AfDB at the Africa Climate Summit.

December 3, 2023
December 3, 2023
2:30 pm
5:00 pm
Africa Pavilion, UNFCCC COP28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Global Center for Adaptation (GCA)

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