Question 1:
How can I be a registered user of your portal?
Answer: Individuals can become a registered users by signing up https://climateportal.ccdbbd.org/about/become-a-partner-as-join-as-organization/
Question 2:
What is the procedure to register by an organizations?
Answer: Organizations can be partners by filling up this https://climateportal.ccdbbd.org/about/become-a-partner-as-join-as-organization/ form
Question 3:
What is the difference between member organization and partner organization? (Q. added by NC)
A member organization is a part of the platform. By signing up, a partner organization is responsible for uploading knowledge content, giving valuable advice, providing fund. Partners logo, name and link will be visible in the home page.
Question 4:
I have recently published an article in a peer-reviewed journal. Would I upload it here?
Answer: Yes, if it is related with climate change focusing vulnerable communities.
Question 5:
Do I need to pay any money for downloading the document?
Answer: Most of the contents are open source. You do not need to pay to download these contents. However, for downloading paid contents you need to pay.
Question 6:
Do I need to register for downloading the document?
Answer: No.
Question 7:
What is the procedure to upload information/event news/articles to the knowledge portal?
Answer: Sign up as an individual or as an organization https://climateportal.ccdbbd.org/about/become-a-partner-as-join-as-organization/ and then upload the information using this link https://climateportal.ccdbbd.org/submit-post-default/
Question 8:
How can I participate in the Discussion Forum? Do I need to register again?
Answer: Once you sign up in the portal, you are automatically a member of a forum, you do not need to register again.
Question 9:
Will I get any royalty if my document is downloaded and paid by the user?
Answer: Open-source documents are free for the users. If you want to upload a paid document you need to have a separate agreement with the climate portal and get the royalty accordingly.
Question 10:
How can an organization collaborate to the knowledge Portal?
Answer: As a partner you become a co-host of the Knowledge Portal. You contribute to shaping its further development. Partners provide financial support, fill knowledge gaps, and give advice. Your logo will be placed in the Partners area of this portal. Your news will be published here, too. To
learn more how to become a partner please contact climateportal@ccdbbd.org
Question 11:
How long my information (especially articles or blog) in your website?
Answer: The portal does not intend to delete any uploaded content. Unless it violets rights of others.