Danish International Development Agency (Danida)
The Danish International Development Agency (Danida) acts as the development cooperation agency of the Government of Denmark under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Danida is committed to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of sustainable economic growth. Multi-stakeholder cooperation, including the public and the private sector, and NGO cooperation, is an important principle for Danida.
One of the new flagship approaches is the
“Partnership for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030” (P4G), which aims to develop partnerships that contribute to sustainable and responsible growth in developing countries and globally. The Partnership was launched in September 2017. Denmark will host the first annual P4G summit in October 2018. Participants will include the business sector, civil society, trade unions, and institutional investors. More information can be found online.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
The provision of support to NGOs and humanitarian organisations is an important pillar of Danida’s approach. More information on eligibility can be found online.
Regional Focus
Danidaprioritises cooperation with three country groups, and has selected long-term priority partners in each of the groups: • Poor, fragile countries, including Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Palestine, Somalia;
- Poor, stable countries, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda;
- Transition and growth economies, including Brazil, Columbia, Indonesia, South Africa.
Sector Focus
The sector priorities can be taken from Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation and humanitarian action, “The World 2030” (with climate change as cross-cutting issue):
- Security and development – Peace, stability and protection;
- Migration and development;
- Inclusive, sustainable growth and development;
- Stability and protection.
Funding Conditions: Grants and concessional loans
Application Procedure
Danida country program officers (in approximately 70 countries) are a good entry point. Project proposals must address at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and projects that are in line with sectoral and regional priorities are prioritised. In a first step, project proposals will be screened (project background, poverty reduction objectives, budget, measures, results, timelines and milestones etc.). If selected, a full proposal will need to be submitted. The minimum contract amount to be financed is approximately € 135,000.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
AsiatiskPlads 2
DK-1448 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 33 92 00 00
Email: um@um.dk
Website: http://um.dk/en/danida-en/