Integrated Disaster Risk Management Fund (IDRMF)


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The Integrated Disaster Risk Management Fund (IDRMF) was established in 2013 by the ADB and is financially supported by Canada. The IDRMF aims to strengthen disaster risk management capacities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Government agencies, ADB departments, development partners, civil society organizations and regional institutions operating in the abovementioned countries.

Regional Focus: See above

Sector Focus

There is a focus on integrated and innovative DRR efforts and the promotion of community-based, gender-focused, socially inclusive and stronger DRR interventions and engagements, involving civil society and the private sector. The focus includes, inter alia:

  • Risk assessment and analysis;
  • DRR and climate change adaptation;
  • DRR research and development;
  • Climate-risk financing, including regional-risk pooling;
  • Community-based and gender-focused integrated disaster risk management;
  • Regional and cross-border cooperation on DRR;
  • Knowledge sharing and capacity-building.

Funding Conditions

The IDRMF provides grants. Proposals should be regional in nature, covering at least three eligible countries. Further requirements can be found online.

Application Procedure

The IDRM Fund Manager should be informed by email about the project idea, its rationale, and how the project matches the priorities of the IDRM Fund. If accepted, the Fund Manager will identify an ADB officer as a sponsor, who will guide the applicant through the application process. Annual deadlines for applications are 31st January, 30th April, 31st July, and 31st October.


Asian Development Bank

6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Metro

Manila, Philippines

Tel: +63 2 6324444

Website: integrated-disaster-risk-management-fund

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