International Climate Fund (ICF)
The UK’s International Climate Fund (ICF) was set up to drive urgent action against climate change in developing countries. Originally, the government sourced the ICF with £ 3.87 billion for the years 2011 – 2016. In a replenishment round, the government pledged another £ 5.8 billion for the years 2016 – 2021. ICF is co-funded, co-managed and co-administered by three governmental departments, namely, Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, Department for International Development, and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
Governmental and non-governmental entities.
Regional Focus: World-wide. A selection of ICF funded projects can be found online.
Sector Focus
The ICF priorities are:
- Supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth;
- Building resilience to manage risks; • Improving stewardship of natural resources.
Funding Conditions: Grants, concessional loans
Application Procedure
ICF does not accept unsolicited applications. Proposals are developed by DFID country offices or the three before mentioned central departments, in cooperation with partners. The contact list for country offices or regional departments can be found online.
Department for International Cooperation (DFID)
22 Whitehall, London SW1A 2EG, UK
Tel. +44 20 7023 0000 Website: organisations/department-for-internationaldevelopment