Nordic Climate Facility (NCF)


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The Nordic Climate Facility (NCF) is a funding window of the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). It was established in 2009, headquartered in Helsinki, and aims to support innovative climate change-related projects. NCF periodically runs thematic calls (“challenges”). Since 2009, seven calls have been made and more than 70 projects have been supported (the most recent call that closed in January 2018 was, “Climate as a business – testing innovative green business concepts.” NCF, as part of the Nordic Development Fund, is sourced by the five Nordic countries ( Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden ).

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Partnerships between organisations from the

Nordic countries (i.e. DanChurchAid, Church of

Sweden, Diakonia Sweden, FinChurchAid, and Norwegian ChurchAid) and developing country organisations (public, private, NGOs) may partner for funding. The list of existing projects can be found online.

Regional Focus: Countries eligible for NCF are:

  • Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana,

Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda,

Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia;

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam;
  • Latin America: Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua.

Sector Focus

NCF aims to:

  • Increase low-income countries’ capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change;
  • Encourage and promote innovation in areas susceptible to climate change;
  • Build partnerships between Nordic and partner country actors;
  • Contribute to sustainable development and the reduction of poverty;
  • Leverage additional financing for climate action.

Funding Conditions: Grants between € 250,000 – € 500,000

Application Procedure: Information on how to apply can be found online.


Nordic Development Fund

Fabianinkatu 34, Helsinki, Finland

Tel. +359 10 618002



Assessment of relevance for ACT Alliance

Highly relevant for ACT members and partners in

NCF focal countries that are in partnership with a Nordic ACT member

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