Oak Foundation


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The Oak Foundation was established in 1983 as a family-led, charitable Foundation that commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, with a particular focus on the vulnerable and disadvantaged. Grants of approximately USD 200 million are made per year.

The Oak Foundation has six main programs: Environment and climate change, child abuse, housing and homelessness, international human rights, issues affecting women, and learning differences. There are also countryspecific programs for Brazil, Denmark, India, and Zimbabwe, and there is also a special interest program. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Oak Foundation also has offices in Bulgaria, Denmark, India, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States and Zimbabwe.

Eligibility to Receive Funding

Institutions and NGOs whose work is in line with the Foundation’s vision, thematic focus and strategy. A list of grantees can be found online.

Regional Focus: World-wide

Sector Focus: “Safeguarding a clean climate future for children.” There is a special focus on oceans.

Funding Conditions: Grants

Application Procedure

Application information can be found online.


Oak Philanthropy Ltd

Case Postale 118

58 , Avenue Louis Casaï

1216  Cointrin, Geneva


Email: info@oakfnd.ch

Website: https://www.oakfnd.org

Contact form: http://www.oakfnd.org/contact.html

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