Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
The Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) was established under the UNFCCC in 2001, to complement the LDCF. The World Bank Global Environment Facility (GEF) operates the SCCF. The SCCF is based on voluntary contributions from donor countries. As of 2017, the SCCF had a portfolio of almost USD 350 million, supporting 77 projects in 77 countries.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
Unlike the LDCF, all developing countries are eligible for the SCCF. Like the LDCF, it does not provide direct access. Accordingly, applications have to be submitted by governmental entities in cooperation with international entities (e.g. FAO, UNDP, MDBs) that are accredited to the GEF.
Regional Focus: The SCCF funds national and regional projects. As a global fund it can be accessed by all developing countries to address climate change. The SCCF project database is available online.
The following examples from Latin America illustrate the broad scope of possible projects:
- Design and Implementation of Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Andean
- Nicaragua – Adaptation of Nicaragua’s Water Supplies to Climate Change
- Costa Rica – Strengthening Capacities of Rural Aqueduct Associations’ (ASADAS) to Address Climate Change Risks in Water Stressed Communities
Sector Focus
The SCCF is designed to finance climate change related projects and programs that are complementary to projects funded by the GEF under its climate change focal areas. While adaptation so far has been the key priority, the following sectors are eligible for funding:
- Technology transfer and capacity building;
- Mitigation in selected areas, including energy, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management;
- Economic diversification.
Funding Conditions
Grants need to be matched by co-financing, provided by the grant-seeker.
Application Procedure
GEF accredited entities submit their project concepts for a pre-selection process. Details of the submitted projects are discussed on a monthly basis. The pre-selection process aims to identify and prioritise suitable projects for admission to the formal project cycle. This is in order to ensure that the number and scope of the projects entering the formal cycle match the funds available. The preselection process attempts to ensure the following aspects of the SCCF portfolio:
- Project or program quality;
- Equitable regional distribution;
- Balanced support for all priority sectors;
- Balanced distribution among GEF agencies based on comparative advantage.
- Details on how to apply for funding can be found online.
GEF Secretariat
1818 H Street, NW, Mail Stop P4-400
Washington, DC 20433 USA
Tel: +1 202 473 0508
Email: secretariat@thegef.org Website: https://www.thegef.org/topics/specialclimate-change-fund-sccf