Swedish International Development Agency (Sida )
The Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) is a government agency, founded in 1995 and headquartered in Stockholm. It is mandated by the Swedish government and Parliament to contribute to the reduction of poverty and the implementation of the Swedish Policy for Global Development. Climate change and the environment is a priority for Sida. In 2016, Sida granted € 700 million, or 15% of its total budget to climate change-related projects.
Eligibility to Receive Funding
Public and private entities are eligible for funding. There is a particular preference for civil society organisations. More information on Sida’s portfolio can be found online.64
Regional Focus: World-wide. Climate change is a priority issue in a number of countries, for example in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya and Tanzania.
Sector Focus
Climate change-related work is one out of ten priority sectors. However, climate change-related projects which are cross-cutting in nature, may also fall under other priorities for example, humanitarian assistance, gender equity or agriculture and food security. Funding Conditions: Grants
Application Procedure
Sida welcomes partnerships with civil society organisations. More information on the application procedures and criteria is available online.
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
Valhallavägen 199
105 25 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 698 50 00
E-mail: sida@sida.se
Website: https://www.sida.se/English/