CCDB Celebrated World Environment Day 2024

  • Author(s): CCDB Climate Change Program

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🌳 CCDB Celebrated World Environment Day 2024 🌎
On the occasion of World Environment Day today, June 5th, CCDB organized various programs under the theme “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.”
In Porsha, Naogaon a massive rally and discussion meeting was held at the Union Parishad premises. Participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions and shared insights on environmental conservation and sustainable practices.
Following the discussions, all attendees enthusiastically participated in a cleanliness program at the Kusharpara market, showcasing their commitment to a greener and cleaner environment.
In an other program on Porsha CCDB organized a cycle rally and discussion on “Building Drought Resilient Communities Against Desertification”. The rally, with various slogans, circled the Union roads and ended at the Parishad square. Saplings were distributed to the youths at the end.
In a joint initiative with STEP, Build-in Project, LEADERS, and BARCIK, a rally and discussion meeting took place in Burigoalini Union. Sapling distribution programs were held at primary schools, and a discussion meeting was also organized in Shyamnagar. In Banbibitla and Vamia of Shyamnagar, a public rally and discussion meeting were held at 10 AM with primary school students. Tree saplings were distributed among them.
These events were attended by CCDB officials, local staffs, CCRC Members, Youth Teams, Union Parishad members, and representatives of Government.
CCDB will continue its relentless efforts towards environmental protection and sustainable development. Let us all work together to build a greener and more sustainable future.
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