BANGLADESH Country Investment Plan A road map towards investment in agriculture, food security and nutrition


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This report represents the updated version of the Bangladesh Country Investment Plan (CIP). The CIP is a country led planning, fund mobilization and alignment tool. It supports increased, effective public investment to increase and diversify food availability in a sustainable manner and improve access to food and nutrition security. Its interventions also aim to mobilize investment by smallholders and other private sector food security actors. It is a 5-year comprehensive plan that aims to ensure sustainable food security.
The CIP is anchored in the policy, programmatic and financial framework of Bangladesh: (i) it is the investment arm of the National Food Policy (NFP, 2006) and its Plan of Action (PoA, 2008-2015); (ii) it reflects the food security content of the upcoming 6th Five Year Plan; (iii) it is a strong advocacy and financial tool for increased resource allocation from the budget (through the Government process) and Development Partners (DPs) in the context of the Joint Cooperation Strategy (JCS) .
The CIP is a living document: its first version was approved by the Government in June 2010; this updated version (June 2011) was developed through a wide process of consultation with over 900 stakeholders in Dhaka and the regions (including Government agencies, the private sector, farmers, academics, civil society, NGOs and Development Partners). This process led to refined, more accurately costed and prioritised CIP investment areas, the establishment of a results framework, guiding principles to be applied during implementation and the identification of policy implications to enable optimal effectiveness of interventions.

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