IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report- Global to Regional Atlas


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The Global to Regional Atlas provides visual summaries and case studies on climate change impacts and risks, vulnerabilities and adaptation, building on the report key findings.

The WGII Global to Regional Atlas integrates and expands on the key messages in WGII Chapters and Cross-
Chapter Papers to provide summaries of vulnerability, impacts, exposure, adaptation and risk complementing the narrative in the Summary for Policymakers. Where useful for a more complete storyline, complementary maps and figures from the three AR6 Special Reports are included. Figures are grouped in topical clusters: 1.
Biodiversity, Biogeography, Habitability, Health, a: Wild Species, b: Humans, c: Livestock and Crop Production, d: Fish Stocks and Fisheries (AI.2.1), 2. Water-related Challenges for Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructure, a: Drought, b: Flooding (AI.2.2), 3. Global to Regional Risks (incl. economic), Vulnerabilities, and Adaptive Capacities (AI.2.3), and 4. From Adaptation to Climate Resilient Development (AI.2.4). Within each topical cluster, the SPM storyline is followed depending on the material available, from observed impacts (and adaptation) and projected impacts and risks, adaptation and enabling conditions to climate resilient development.

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