IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report- Summary for Policymakers


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The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides a high-level summary of the key findings of the Working Group II Report and is approved by the IPCC member governments line by line.

This Summary for Policymakers (SPM) presents key findings of the Working Group II (WGII) contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC1. The report builds on the WGII contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC, three Special Reports2, and the Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the AR6 cycle. This report recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity3, and human societies (Figure SPM.1) and integrates knowledge more strongly across the natural, ecological, social and economic sciences than earlier IPCC assessments. The assessment of climate change impacts and risks as well as adaptation is set against concurrently unfolding non-climatic global trends e.g., biodiversity loss, overall unsustainable consumption of natural resources, land and ecosystem degradation, rapid urbanisation, human demographic shifts, social and economic inequalities and a pandemic. The scientific evidence for each key finding is found in the 18 chapters of the underlying report and in the 7 cross-chapter papers as well as the integrated synthesis presented in the Technical Summary (hereafter TS) and referred to in curly brackets {}. Based on scientific understanding, key findings can be formulated as statements of fact or associated with an assessed level of confidence using the IPCC calibrated language4. The WGII Global to Regional Atlas (Annex I) facilitates exploration of key synthesis findings across the WGII regions.

  • Publication date : 27th February, 2022
  • Publisher: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Website: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/?fbclid=IwAR0fZAHKVGEZAgZgd2murnSDEBbf4EDKU0ghcHsaxn3H40kZ4ORGk8dd_e0
  • Author(s): Drafting Authors: Hans-O. Pörtner (Germany), Debra C. Roberts (South Africa), Helen Adams (United Kingdom), Carolina Adler (Switzerland/Chile/Australia), Paulina Aldunce (Chile), Elham Ali (Egypt), Rawshan Ara Begum (Malaysia/Australia/Bangladesh), Richard Betts (United Kingdom), Rachel Bezner Kerr (Canada/USA), Robbert Biesbroek (The Netherlands), Joern Birkmann (Germany), Kathryn Bowen (Australia), Edwin Castellanos (Guatemala), Gueladio Cissé (Mauritania/Switzerland/France), Andrew Constable (Australia), Wolfgang Cramer (France), David Dodman (Jamaica/United Kingdom), Siri H. Eriksen (Norway), Andreas Fischlin (Switzerland), Matthias Garschagen (Germany), Bruce Glavovic (New Zealand/South Africa), Elisabeth Gilmore (USA/Canada), Marjolijn Haasnoot (The Netherlands), Sherilee Harper (Canada), Toshihiro Hasegawa (Japan), Bronwyn Hayward (New Zealand), Yukiko Hirabayashi (Japan), Mark Howden (Australia), Kanungwe Kalaba (Zambia), Wolfgang Kiessling (Germany), Rodel Lasco (Philippines), Judy Lawrence (New Zealand), Maria Fernanda Lemos (Brazil), Robert Lempert (USA), Debora Ley (Mexico/Guatemala), Tabea Lissner (Germany), Salvador Lluch-Cota (Mexico), Sina Loeschke (Germany), Simone Lucatello (Mexico), Yong Luo (China), Brendan Mackey (Australia), Shobha Maharaj (Germany/Trinidad and Tobago), Carlos Mendez (Venezuela), Katja Mintenbeck (Germany), Vincent Möller (Germany), Mariana Moncassim Vale (Brazil), Mike D Morecroft (United Kingdom), Aditi Mukherji (India), Michelle Mycoo (Trinidad and Tobago), Tero Mustonen (Finland), Johanna Nalau (Australia/Finland), Andrew Okem (SouthAfrica/Nigeria), Jean Pierre Ometto (Brazil), Camille Parmesan (France/USA/United Kingdom), Mark Pelling (United Kingdom), Patricia Pinho (Brazil), Elvira Poloczanska (United Kingdom/Australia), Marie-Fanny Racault (United Kingdom/France), Diana Reckien (The Netherlands/Germany), Joy Pereira (Malaysia), Aromar Revi (India), Steven Rose (USA), Roberto SanchezRodriguez (Mexico), E. Lisa F. Schipper (Sweden/United Kingdom), Daniela Schmidt (United Kingdom/Germany), David Schoeman (Australia), Rajib Shaw (Japan), Chandni Singh (India), William Solecki (USA), Lindsay Stringer (United Kingdom), Adelle Thomas (Bahamas), Edmond Totin (Benin), Christopher Trisos (South Africa), Maarten van Aalst (The Netherlands), David Viner (United Kingdom), Morgan Wairiu (Solomon Islands), Rachel Warren (United Kingdom), Pius Yanda (Tanzania), Zelina Zaiton Ibrahim (Malaysia)
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