Learning from the Energiewende: What Developing Countries Expect from Germany


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Is „an„ »energy„transition«„ also„ possible „in„ developing„ countries? „Although„ the„ challenges „vary „in„ all „countries, „five„ key„ requirements „can„ nevertheless „be„ generalized: „It„ needs„ advantageous „and„ reliable„ political„ framework„ conditions„ for„ renewable„ energies,„ subsidies„ for„ fossil„ fuel s„have„ to„ be „reduced,„ private„ sector „involvement„ is„ just„ as „dispensable„ as„ social„ acceptance „in „the„ introduction„ of „renewable„ energies,„ and„ finally„ social„ innovation „and„ willingness „to„ change „are„ essential.

  • Publisher: The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
  • Author(s): Thomas Hirsch
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