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In response to the need for NAP support and capacity building, a NAP country-level training has been developed. This new training aims to provide a general understanding of the conceptual approach of NAPs and the NAP technical guidelines, produced by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG).

Launching, managing and supporting a NAP process are complex tasks that need input and capacities from a broad range of stakeholders. This training raises awareness of challenges and opportunities in the NAP process, assists in identifying institutional and financial needs, and familiarises participants with existing NAP support tools and methods. The training will strengthen the awareness of the NAP process in-country, and will also provide specific knowledge on the NAP framework conditions and key steps in the process..

Climate change is affecting various sectors in specific ways in many different countries. These new challenges may call for increased collaboration between different sectors. The agricultural sector for example may need to develop more effective, sustainable, and resilient crop production with improved crop rotation systems and higher quality weather forecasting. They may need to make use of climate services from the meteorological agency, or work with the water sector on improving water management techniques and developing more efficient water delivery systems. Similarly, statistics offices might work together with the Ministry of Finance in order to estimate losses in GDP due to the impacts of climate change. Planning agencies might opt to include climate proofing steps in manuals for policy development and project feasibility studies, in order to make more resilient investments.

Therefore, this NAP training is directed to assist multiple sectors at the ‘country-level’. The training provides an opportunity for up to 25 participants to come together and work towards a common understanding of what NAP means for their country.

  • Publisher: GIZ- The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, UNITAR, UNDP, NAP-GSP
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