National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)


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It is well recognized both in the scientific and negotiating community that Bangladesh would be one of the most adversely affected country to climate change. Low economic strength, inadequate infrastructure, low level of social development, lack of institutional capacity, and a higher dependency on the natural resource base make the country more vulnerable to climate stimuli (including both variability as well as extreme events). The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as a response to the decision of the Seventh Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP7) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The preparation process has followed the generic guiding principles outlined in the annotated guideline prepared by LDC Expert Group (LEG). The basic approach to NAPA preparation was along with the sustainable development goals and objectives of the country where it has recognized necessity of addressing environmental issue and natural resource management with the participation of stakeholders in bargaining over resource use, allocation and distribution. Therefore, involvement of different stakeholders was an integral part of the preparation process for assessing impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation measures keeping urgency and immediacy principle of the NAPA. Policy makers of Government, local representatives of the Government (Union Parishad Chairman and Members), scientific community members of the various research institutes, researchers, academicians, teachers (ranging from primary to tertiary levels), lawyers, doctors, ethnic groups, media, NGO and CBO representatives and indigenous women contributed to the development of the NAPA for Bangladesh.

  • Publisher: Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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